My Web Development Blog Posts

My initial reflections entering DevAcademy

Posted: 06/05/18

What's my take on the Dev Bootcamp/EDA experience?

It has a strong emphasis on the collaborative approach to learning. Acknowledging that everyone has a valuable contribution to make and that learning can be much faster when you take full ownership of your own learning experience as well as using the opportunity to teach others in order to solidify knowledge and discover new areas for improvement.

Another aspect that is heavily emphasised is equipping people with the ability to be self aware of their own approach to learning and interacting with others, as well as building the habit of spending time reflecting on what you are doing and how it is affecting others.

How do I see myself engaging with this type of culture?

I hope that my passion for the field will inspire me to extend myself and completely commit myself to the learning process. I think I will have to be conscious in the phase 0 stage of making sure I can attend the check ins wherever possible as I can see this being a difficulty alongside continuing work, though I also see how it could be very valuable.

Have my expectations of EDA & the bootcamp changed?

My idea of how the phase 0 stage of the program might go has changed. I can see it will be very important even in this early stage to focus on the co-operative learning environment with the cohort, for my benefit and theirs.

What are my feelings & anticipation of participating in this kind of learning environment?

I find the idea of self directed/motivated learning empowering and deeply satisfying. My first impressions of the process of learning programming and the development community are that knowledge is much more freely available and shared than in other fields. Without this gate keeping the opportunity to go a long way quickly does seem believable and this excites me.