My Web Development Blog Posts

Problem Solving

Posted: 21/06/18

Becoming blocked on a problem

A problem I came across in my programming learning so far was when I had redesigned this site to make use of a responsive framework and had set up some media queries that were supposed to alter the layout once my window reached mobile device width. I discovered that in my desktop browser it would look fine and would resize appropriately once I had decreased the window size to the specified pixel width but when I tried to view the site on my phone it looked horrible and was unreadable! To solve this problem I used a troubleshooting approach, I carefully looked through the developer tools at what styles were being applied to the elements at the various widths. I was able to compare these to a working example website and discovered that my styles were being applied in the correct manner as they were on that site. Now I knew that the problem had to be some other missing element in my code that was controlling the display. This helped guide me in a web search which quickly lead to the discovery that I was missing a meta tag for "viewport" that would specify the viewport width to be the width of the device. After applying this meta tag my website displayed correctly, a very satisfying result, especially since I had found it a little frustrating not understanding why my website was displaying differently with seemingly the same code as the example.

This turned out to be quite a good learning experience. It taught me a lot about how to use the developer tools to see where styles are inherited from and helped cement my knowledge of the cascading nature of CSS. It also taught me about how mobile browsers render and scale web pages and therefore why the viewport tag is important to have.

Solving with elegance

In this early stage of learning to program I'm beginning to understand how valuable simplicity is in code. It helps the program run efficiently and also can make it easier to modify it in future to change the output. I still think I have a lot to work on as far as coding solutions that are "DRY" but I was pleased with my approach to the chessboard coding problem in chapter 2 of the book "Eloquent JavaScript". To solve this problem I realised I would need to print a line "n" number of times and each line would need to contain "n" characters. I also realised that to produce a chessboard each line would have to have an alternating start character depending on if it was an odd or even line. I then created an outer loop that would run for how ever many rows I wanted my board to have and for each row it would run a conditional statement to check if it was an odd or an even row. For an odd row it ran one version of the loop and for an even row it ran another.

This was a relatively efficient way of solving the problem but I would still have liked to have refined this further.


I feel like I am building confidence with pseudocoding as a method of working out an approach to a coding problem and also troubleshooting where my code is going wrong. I think for now I should probably actually write down my pseudocode as this will make it easier for me to analyse my approach to problems and perhaps see where I can be more "DRY" in my code. I have also been pretty effective so far at debugging my code by looking at the error messages returned in the console and also using the console to log the output of my code to see how it is processed. Googling is a resource I turn to often and I have made the effort to learn search operators to get even better at targetting the information I need to solve problems, putting these into practice is a work in progress!

I think I can improve on using the knowledge of my peers and teachers to solve problems and also gain a different perspective on how to approach them. For the "fizzbuzz" problem I did search up some alternative solutions after I had completed mine and found some impressive solutions. This caused me to reflect on some of the limitations of my approach such as the repeated elements of the code making it more time consuming to repurpose if the tests were to change. This was a really useful lesson so I was glad for having spent the time reflecting on my solution.