My Web Development Blog Posts

Emotional Control

Posted: 27/06/18

What are some of my triggers when programming?

It's still early in my learning but I've found I get particularly frustrated with spelling mistakes in my code causing errors. I have a strong response when I see that my logic is correct but the code hasn't worked because of an erroneous "u". I think this response is probably rooted in my earlier education and enjoyment of language, leading me to become frustrated at American English as lazy. Rationally I can see that this view should be disconnected from the practice of coding as I am actually learning entirely new languages here which simply borrow symbols from languages I know but it takes some effort to reach that acceptance!

How did I find the Siberian North RailRoad exercise?

I found it difficult to use this disconnected from an emotional trigger. I will have to remember to try this next time I experience one however and see how it compares to my experience using it when reflecting on a previous emotional response.